Friday, August 3, 2012

Update: Hawk Protection

Since our hawk problems began, I have been researching ways to protect my chickens from hawks. During my research I learned that everyone seems to think the best way to protect chickens from hawks is to fully cover their run, and I agree with this. The problem is netting can be expensive and time consuming to set up.  But do you know what is great, many people are just like you and want to protect their hens, without spending much money at all. After of course, much trial and error (Sorry, I can't assure you animal testing wasn't part of this!) these individuals found many other great ways to protect their hens.

One thing a few people came up with is to hang reflective items to scare the hawk! Attach fishing line to CDs, pie pans, or any other reflective items and hang them all around your chickens yard. Although you will not be 100% hawk free, it sounds as though this is still a great improvement from nothing.

Another idea is providing shelter for your chickens. It can be as simple as a pile of logs and sticks with gaps in between them, to as complicated as a disguised hideaway made of anything you could imagine. What I chose discuss today is in between. Fence off a corner of the chicken yard, with sturdy wire fencing and cover the top with either the wire fencing or wood. Cut a small opening in the side of the fencing that is just barely big enough for your largest hen to squeeze through. You would be surprised at how much a chicken can squeeze while in danger! Next, disguise the fencing with a pile of logs, sticks, leaves and other debris, making sure to leave the opening open. After that, put some of your chickens favorite food in the hideout to show them how to get in and out of it. I haven't tried this idea yet, but many people say that it works great!

Of course you've heard of how protective roosters can get (I have scars to prove it!) they will do anything to save their hens, and this is no exception. If you live in town like me, roosters are most likely illegal and this paragraph will not do you any good. But, if you do live in an area where they are allowed, you should probably get a rooster or two. Though a rooster will not solve your hawk problem permanently, he may give his life to let hens get away, or even, on rare occasions, scare the hawk off. My point is, though it might be a good idea to get a rooster (you might even get some baby chickens if you get one, "10 for the price of 1!") you have to admit he will not provide ongoing protection and most likely the hawk will come back.

One more idea. Any plants or bushes you can provide, especially tall grasses and will be very beneficial to your chickens. They will feel much safer among the plants and hawks are less likely to target them.

Thank you so much for reading and if you have any advice to give, please comment!!!!!! I hope these ideas help. 

The chicken lover,